June 14, 2023

Introducing: Ben Keys Fine Art Studio!

Ben and I (Jen) are beyond excited to share the news that Wed on Canvas will soon transition has officially transitioned to Ben Keys Fine Art Studio and we are very close to launching a our brand new website is live!!!!

The truth is, the decision to phase out our business name Wed on Canvas was a very hard decision. And you can ask all of our friends and family: we have been debating it for years. The name has been so special to us and been with us since day one that Ben began creating these live wedding paintings 10 years ago. I’ll never forget the day we sat outside Starbucks, brainstorming names for what would become Wed on Canvas.

At that time, Ben’s primary focus for his paintings were on painting coastal landscapes for galleries and private commissions. We didn’t know if this “live wedding painting” thing would even become a thing and were truly just rolling with it.

Coming from an academic art background and also being represented by prestigious East Coast galleries, we weren’t sure what the art market, gallery owners, and collectors would think about these live paintings. So we branded it apart from “Ben Keys Art.” The irony is that within about a year, the demand for Ben’s live wedding paintings grew so much that he shifted completely to painting weddings full time. Within months, we had requests for Ben travel nationwide, to paint at events across the world.

I will never forget the day Ben received his first live wedding painting inquiry.

He spun around in his studio chair and said, I could do it, I paint outdoors and talk to people already! And I responded, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if you like … traveled the world … painting weddings?”

(And in real time, I can hardly type through the tears!)

Fast forward … 10 years … Wed on Canvas has been the banner over our head as Ben has painted for over 400 couples around the world. And we aren’t finished yet! There was a time when we realized: in a full circle life moment, Wed on Canvas has actually BECOME Ben Keys Art … Again!

Ben is so proud to return these live wedding paintings under his namesake brand. We will transition all of the live wedding paintings, photo commissions, and corporate event painting to under the umbrella of Ben Keys Fine Art Studio.

We are so excited about how this simplifies our business name. Over the years, there were sometimes confusing moments of Ben having to explain: “I’m Ben Keys, but my business is Wed on Canvas!” Finally Ben can say, I’m Ben, from Ben Keys Fine Art!”

This change is bittersweet. But change is good and sometimes needed! For so long we felt like we grew out of the name, logo, and website we DIYed together years ago. We feel our new website showcases Ben’s live paintings in a more elevated way. Ben’s work and level of experience in such a lovely way.

Needless to say, we are beyond excited to share and celebrate this beginning of this next chapter with you! Thank you for your continued support and trusting Ben to capture life’s sweetest moments, live on canvas!