Cassie and Christian chose Ben as their Live Wedding Painter for their wedding at The White Room in S.t Augustine, FL. Their live wedding holds a very, very special place in our hearts on a personal level.
The White Room in St. Augustine, FL has the most beautiful view of the Bridge of Lions
There probably isn’t a rooftop view any where in the world that’s as close to my (Jen’s) heart than the view from The White Room located in downtown, St. Augustine. My great-grandparents built a hotel and home just on the other side of the Intracoastal Waterway. Though they sold the hotel, I grew up visiting my grandparents in that very home. Some of my sweetest childhood memories were spent swinging my feet over the sea wall of their pool, eating boiled peanuts, and watching the boats go under The Bridge of Lions.
We were SO excited to finally have a wedding at The White Room. It means so much that Cassie and Christian chose Ben to paint this very view that’s so dear to my heart! They were also our second wedding back after our wedding industry was brought to a halt because of Covid 19. There was a point when Ben and I truly wondered if weddings would ever be the same again. Seeing family and friends gather again was truly amazing. We walked through so much to get to their wedding day. That added another really special layer of meaning to their live painting!
Cassie and Christian requested Ben to capture a styled moment with the iconic view from the rooftop overlooking the Bridge of Lions for their live painting. We love how their painting came together! Needless to say, we are so thrilled to share their finished live painting here on the blog! The White Room in St. Augustine is officially one of our favorite Florida wedding venues! This view holds a forever place in my (Jen’s) heart.
Cassie + Christian
24 x 30 in. Live Wedding Painting
The White Room
St. Augustine, FL